Thursday, May 31, 2007



It was a strange way to start sailing. (p.37)

Ex: It has a subject and a verb which it is joined with an object, but it isn’t having a coordinator or a subordinator because it is a complete independent clause.


The wind and seas had reversed and we had to buck the huge waves now coming out of the south. (p.80)

Ex: The two independent clauses have a subject and a verb within the sentence and it joined together with a coordinator.


I was halfway there when we got hit. (p.97)

Ex: It is an independent clause that is joined with a dependent clause which in this case the dependent clause is an adjective clause that describing the noun. “When we got hit” is a dependent clause and “I was halfway there” is the independent clause.


I had closed the companionway, but hundreds of gallons went down into the boat and I could hear the twelve-volt bilge pump working to get rid of the water, putting out a little half-inch stream while gallons poured in through the louvered doors of the companionway. (p. 100)

Ex: This sentence structure is make out of two independent clauses and one dependent clause that joined with the coordinator and subordinator. In this case, there are three independent clauses and one dependent. “I had closed the companionway” is one independent clause. “But hundreds of gallons went down into the boat and I could hear the twelve-volt bilge pump working to get rid of the water, putting out a little half-inch stream” is two others independent clauses that are joined with a coordinator. “While gallons poured in through the louvered doors of the companion way” is a dependent clauses which is an adjective clause.


I was suddenly standing on a boat that made sense; the rolling and pitching had stopped and while I could still hear the wind roaring and tearing, it was back past the stern, and the boat was once again in the lee of the island in quiet water (p. 100)

Ex: This sentence is neither a compound, complex, or a compound-complex sentence. I don't know which one is the sentence be in the structure.


Anonymous said...

What is the subject-verb combination in the simple sentence that you have posted here?

Unknown said...

I was suddenly standing on a boat that made sense; the rolling and pitching had stopped and while I could still hear the wind roaring and tearing, it was back past the stern, and the boat was once again in the lee of the island in quiet water (p. 100) - Ex: This sentence is neither a compound, complex, or a compound-complex sentence. I don't know which one is the sentence be in the structure.

Are you sure that this sentence is neither a compound, complex, or a compound-complex? I found that this sentence is one of the sentence type because I found four independent clauses and two dependent clauses in it. So, this is a compound-complex sentence.